We are back on track to pack up and move the majority of our stuff soon. We will pick up a truck today and pack some tomorrow and pack big stuff Sunday and then we will drive it out on Monday. We need to do this thing. That house is empty and has been for a while. Never good.
Simpler Times

Friday, July 25, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Progress? Well, sort of. The husband is home and has an abscessed tooth, BAD. It does seem to be slowly getting better. Thank God for antibiotics. Both the husband and the dog are on them. They will both be better for them, now to make sure they get enough yogurt.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Husband Comes Home Today!!
Life for the next couple of months will revolve around when I get to see the husband. We will have to live apart for a while, since we own 2 homes. I will stay at the OK home while he will be at the CO home. I really love his company so this will be difficult for me. Today he is coming home from MD, visiting his mother. He is a good son, also.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Back Home
Glad to be at home for a time. I know that my home will be in the new house soon, but for now my little boys and I will be comforted by this house until we make the change. I will continue to look at these things as best I can with God's help and work on not feeling anxious. It will take time and it will be good in the long run. I have the best husband! He is my earthly rock. Thought we might enjoy a tribute to him today.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
It's a Colorado Morning
We are in Colorado and it's the beginning of our new chapter. I must admit BIG HUGE scary feelings of change. I know change is good but has it's uncomfortableness, and for someone who treasures my comfort, this is outside my comfort zone. But all things that require time and real effort to make good, this will be the best move we have ever made. It just needs 6 months to get good. After a meltdown last night, my wonderful husband helped me see the reasons we are really doing this. Slept well and ready to do this thing. Pictures to come.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Let's Do This Thing
Leaving to get the house in Colorado. BIG step. No turning back. There will be many nights to watch the sun set over the Rocky Mountains. I have loved the sunsets here in central OK. And I guess when I come back to see relatives there will be more. It's a new chapter. But more of the old chapter.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
A Good Word
I have several new blogs that I am following. I find great help and encouragement in some of these blogs. Some are people just like you and me and their interesting lives. I love to keep up with their projects and lives. There are some that are just devotional. This is the word from one today.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
It's Getting Close
It is only two days away. So exciting yet so scary, BIG change. I am pretty nervous and while I know this is the right thing, it still is very nerve-racking. Memories!
Big Hair!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Rain in July!
We always welcome rain in July. I think it is a key element in keeping a heat dome at bay. If it is dry enough we get these heat domes and nothing happens here in central Oklahoma except extreme heat. That heat sometimes leads to grass fires and with our wind, they are very destructive, not one of our more enduring characteristics. We also have as many earthquakes as California! So, just because we have the heat doesn't mean we don't have cold weather. We have ice storms almost as bad as Arkansas. They may have us beat on this wonderful weather treat.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Hot Day
Nothing like a really hot day to remind me of just one of the reasons we are moving to Colorado. Temperature in the truck on the way to get more boxes said 108. All the while it was only 75 in Colorado. Many other reasons we want to live in Colorado and I temporarily lost sight of those things for the memories here in Oklahoma. Nothing wrong with OK, been a great home for 35 years, just time for something new. And with it comes uncomfortableness. There will be a time to get used to being someplace completely new. So, here are some of last winter's pictures.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
Mowing 2.25 Acres...
Mowing the acreage is a love/hate thing. There are days like today when the weather is just right for putting the headphones on and taking a 2-3 hour ride on the John Deere and belting out a variety of tunes. All good up to the point when out of the corner of my eye I spy a RAT running through the gazebo. I sang louder! It totally grossed me out and I quickly finished that area and headed out to the open field. So, I guess this was a love/hate time. Fortunately, the rest of the mowing went very smoothly. Not too hot, or windy, and the sun was setting.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Packing is one of those inevitable chores that everyone has to do sometime in their lifetime. It is NEVER fun and people have their own way to pack. I always start out very organized and marking things well and cleaning out along the way. The more I pack the sloppier I get. And the worst thing is that I quit trying to decide what to keep and what to let go of. After a while it is, oh well, keep it get rid of it later. I am there. I know when the truck gets here, and we thought we had everything packed and there will be an extra 10 boxes of stuff that I did not pack. Never fails!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
More Packing
Getting more packing done. Still have a ton to do, but we are getting more dates set for how and when this whole address change is happening. So, here are more memories of this wonderful home.
Gathering with the old homeschool basketball team.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
A Good Day
Got enough done today that I don't feel overwhelmed as much. Packing is never fun, but is a necessity.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
There Will Be Days When I Say, Why???
This is one of those days. Why did we decide we needed to uproot and move???? I know it is really what we want to do, there are always those second guessing days that leave you wondering. But I must remember all those days that led up to the decision to even consider the move, then all the days that we searched, then the trip out to look and then "the house". Yes, it is the best move, just getting there is a BIG deal. The house is literally lined with filled boxes. It is uncomfortable living here. And the timing to move to another state is always tricky. It is easier to move from across town, across the state to another one, not so easy. It is a juggling act.
Friday, July 4, 2014
I know when it is all said and done, I will be glad, but I feel like I will NEVER want to move again when this is all said and done. So, if this is not where I want to live out my life, I need to just live with it! Not doing this again. Just thinking about how to pack all the crap I live with doesn't sound like much fun. I will get started tomorrow. I have about 3 weeks to get it all packed or thrown away or given away! UGH! I just want to hide away from it all. But I am not a quitter, I will rally and do a good job.
Expect more memories from this place.
Expect more memories from this place.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
It's the First
of July, that is. The beginning of a month that could have some changes. The fact that there is no clear answer yet is quite maddening. But we shall see hopefully this week. Either way, the answer will bring about a change. So vague, I know. But it will be revealed when I know.
It is so hard to wait. But life continues in the waiting time.
On the memories from this house.
It is so hard to wait. But life continues in the waiting time.
On the memories from this house.
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