A beautiful rose form Mema's house a few years ago.
Simpler Times

Sunday, August 31, 2014
My Morning Devotional
I must say my morning devotions are the best thing to happen to me in a long time! The word of God, the Bible, give me hope for each new day when the things I see around me and the worries of the day want to overwhelm me. But proof that they don't is in how well I sleep at night. This morning's devotional was about all this. If you are interested in the website, .here it is.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
I was reading blogs one day and ran across this blog, Living from Glory to Glory, and I just fell in love with the spirit of this woman. After reading her blog and her bio I found that she lives in Colorado! I emailed her and we shared a couple emails back and forth. She introduced me to a few devotionals she follows online. I have benefited from that more than anything in many years. It has renewed my faith in God. I can only say that finding her was providential. Many times in my life I have had to wait, and it is one of the hardest things for me to do. Sounds silly, but I am not the most patient person, never have been. I remember being a child and being very impatient. But enough of that. This morning's devotional was spot on for me. Here it is. I hope it speaks to one other person.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
We Made it Through the First Appraisal
We are one step closer to making it real that this house will sell the end of Sept. We have an inspection next Wed and that will be another big hurdle. I am trying to remain hopeful. I am somewhat of a pessimist anyway. So getting to that hopeful stage takes some pretty good signs. Here is a good example, even though things look good, anything can happen. We shall see. I am more than ready to move.
Here are some old storm pictures from the OK house. They were beautiful clouds, although the first one was a tornado that set down for a bit west of us then did not again.
Here are some old storm pictures from the OK house. They were beautiful clouds, although the first one was a tornado that set down for a bit west of us then did not again.
Time Flies, or Crawls
Most often you hear how time flies, unless you are waiting for something, and I am so, time crawls. I always feel guilty if I feel like I am trying to rush time on. Back in the day, I remember wanting to rush time so I could quit changing diapers. But something precious is lost when time gets rushed. There are moments that pass and if you are so busy rushing on to the next thing, you completely miss those moments. Mostly during this time I am alone and I guess there might be moments to miss, but not as much as other times when you are around loved ones. I feel like I rush the day by so I can sleep and hurry the next day just the same. That is not a good thing to admit, but I am very anxious to get out to Colorado with the husband. Hopefully this next month will go by faster. It will be full of things to do. Lack of projects and jobs makes time crawl.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Inspections, a Necessary Evil
Well, maybe evil is a bit strong, just feels like an intrusion. But the guy doing this one seems very nice. He is not stuffy but very normal. The misconceived notion that these guys are mean comes from where? Anyway, we will see what needs to happen next to insure my going to Colorado soon. The wedding is one month away, and I am ready for the move. Not trying to rush the wedding, it will be lovely, just excited to finish this move.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Sometimes You Have to Slow Down and Live Now
I have been spending a lot of time waiting to leave here and live in Colorado. I realized that if I just quit living and try to wait to live, I will miss more than I want to miss. I must live in the here and now. I can not tell for certain what the future holds. Things might change and I might be here longer and if all I have done is put life on hold, then I will be more than devastated. So, what does it look like to live and not wait, no more talk about how many days are left. I find a schedule and stick with it and start some new projects to keep busy. This is not a bad place to be. The house is very familiar and is very peaceful. I can do this, even if I have to continue for a lot longer than I was planning. So, here we go finding the things that I love about being here.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Brutal Class
This love seat had hidden secrets that presented a problem. I got it almost completely stripped and found that the legs were one piece that was put on after it was partially finished. So, I had to take off the leg section. That would have helped in getting it to class.
Sometimes Life Can Be Frustrating
The stuff finally arrived from Maryland. It left a month ago, and just made it to Colorado! The moving company, Colonial Van Lines is the most undependable I have yet to see. They used all the excuses! But, as we said all along, these items were part of the liquidation of the MIL's house. If we never saw them again, it would be sad, but have never lived with these items.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sometimes You Have to Think Outside the Box, or in This Case the Car
Class begins tonight and I must get my loveseat to class. The back is too tall for my car, so on top of the car it goes. Thanks to the son's old college roommate who came by because the post office thinks he still lives at our house, the love seat is on top of my car. Now off to class and taking it down might be a real comedy act.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
I Knew This Day Would Come
I knew that I would be very glad we made this BIG move. I am finally there. Even though I am still in Oklahoma, the doubts I had and the sheer panic as we were closing on the house, have passed. I am not only very glad we decided to do this, I am now having trouble waiting to go. I want to be there experiencing my new house. I want to be fixing it up and having devotions in my sewing room. I want to make soup in the kitchen and making the house smell yummy. I want to go check on the husband in his office and take him some green tea. All in time... In the meantime, I an here in an almost empty house with not a lot to do. I have continued to get things ready to move. And the inevitable cleaning out the fridge and freezer. That is something I did today. Well, the fridge. I am getting rid of things and not buying groceries. I am trying to use it up and just be happy eating what is here.
Friday, August 15, 2014
And So it Begins...Inspections!
The first of the inspections for this house are underway. I can only hope and pray that things go fairly smoothly. I know there are some repairs that are bound to come up, just hoping they are not the deal-breaker kind or bank-breaker ones. This will all be taken in stride. God has been good to us. No complaints. I am glad the lawn is freshly mowed. That is always a good thing.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Stay or Try To Go?
I had this hair-brained idea that maybe I would just pack up the little boys and jump in my car and head to Monument. The dog is having a terrible time with his allergies right now. I thought he was very sick yesterday, and never left his side. He has been itching non-stop. I have even been giving him Benadryl. That seems to offer some relief. But poor guy, he just can't seem to handle the stress. He is not eating well and is SO sad. I know here in Oklahoma, we are expecting a terrible allergy season. The mountains would be so good for him and will when we go. I think I must stay here and maybe give him baths several times a week. I would love nothing more than to go ahead and go, but the plan is for me to be here and handle the inspections and see my mother and spend time with family, then leave after the wedding. Oh waiting is hard! It might be one of the hardest things to do.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Back to Aloneness
The husband is off traveling again, then back to Colorado. I will have solitude here in Oklahoma. This has an end, and it can not come quick enough.
Last night was the wonderful wedding shower for the son and his fiance at her grandmother's house. It was well attended and they got LOTS of wonderful things. The best part was how loving they are to each other. They have great respect for each other and that is a wonderful thing to see.
Last night was the wonderful wedding shower for the son and his fiance at her grandmother's house. It was well attended and they got LOTS of wonderful things. The best part was how loving they are to each other. They have great respect for each other and that is a wonderful thing to see.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
The Last Hurrah!
Tonight will be the last hurrah at the OK home. We have had MANY gatherings as this at this house. We make food, we have people over, we have a bonfire, and just good times. The main reason for this one is to celebrate the youngest daughter's birthday. We are also throwing in there that we will not have another like this, so it is our house colding, opposite of house warming party. I am not sure who will come and it might be very few, that's OK. Few might be better than lots. Who knows maybe just our children show up. Just so my daughter knows that her parents love her is what I am after.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Is there such a thing? Of course! These are pets that belong to my children, so they are grand-pets. I have three that live with me, the "little boys". And my son has two more. and the daughter has one. The other daughter has a snake, but it is not such a lovable pet. Sorry no pictures.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
This is a Wonderful Home...
Hopefully it will continue to be a wonderful home for someone else. I would love to turn over the keys to a family that will love this place half as much as I have. Walking through it tonight showing how great it is reminded me again of all the love this house has to share.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
It's Happening...
I am missing the husband like crazy, but I am also missing my new home. I am SO ready to be there with my "little boys"! I only wish it were going to be sooner than later. We made the new home so cozy and it is so beautiful and I catch myself thinking about how I am going to make this better or change that. I will just have to be patient and make to most of my time here. I do have a rehearsal dinner to plan and all the reception food for the son's wedding. I can still spend quality time with my mother. It seems that she is expecting to go any day now. And should that happen it will be better to be here rather than 600 miles away. But I can still wish for being there especially since the husband is there.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
More Pictures of the New House
So, here are some random pictures of the house. It is a work in progress. It will take some time to be "home". The pets are not there and all the furniture is not there and mostly I am not there. But there are wonderful things about the house.
Friday, August 1, 2014
First Load Completed
The first load has been successfully delivered to Colorado. It was the biggest part of our belongings. The rest will go later when I move there to stay. Right now the husband is occupying the Colorado house and I the Oklahoma house with the "little boys".
Here are the gnomes making their way to the truck for their new adventure.
Here are the gnomes making their way to the truck for their new adventure.
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