Is it just a house or a home? It’s hard to know when a house becomes a home. We all want to live in a home. And that magic line between the two is often very faint or a brick wall. A home doesn’t have a certain size or decor or monetary value. A real home is where one feels the safest, the most comfortable, and where one keeps their most prized possessions. But it takes all those to make a home. Right now I live in a house with my prized possessions and it feels safe, but something is missing. Not sure what it is. It feels comfortable but could be more comfortable. There is another component in that equation. Eventually this will feel like home used to in Colorado. Leaving wasn’t what I wanted so it’s hard to be at home here. To be fair the weather here takes away some of the comfortable I felt in Colorado. Humid air has never been something I tolerated very well. I love the dry low humidity of a more arid climate. I sleep better in that environment. Sleep is important. Haven’t learned to sleep well here, yet. That can put a damper on a house or area feeling like home. More on this later.