This old hymn just came to me as I was changing sheets today. It reminded me of my mother's ever faithful life to her Savior and her family. Oh that I might be a portion of her! So, here is the chorus of that song, or refrain:
I’ll live for Him who died for me,
How happy then my life shall be!
I’ll live for Him who died for me,
My Savior and my God!
Simpler Times

Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Away in a Manger
One of my favorite Christmas carols is Away in a Manger. All the verses are wonderful, but Mine is the last verse. I hope you all have a great Christmas and enjoy time with family and friends. We will be spending this time with part of the family and missing the others very much. Maybe next year...
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Another Day, Another Time
I spend a lot of time in the reflective mode. This is not bad unless it is too much, and I border on too much. A blogger I watch had a good post recently. It was taken from the Dr Seuss book, Oh the Places You'll Go. She was talking about being in the waiting place. I find way too much of my life has been spent in the waiting place. Waiting for the kids to get out of diapers, waiting for more money, waiting to lose weight, waiting for the Holidays, waiting for summer, waiting for fall...I could go on forever because I feel like I have wasted a lot of life waiting. I also wonder if I have left people out waiting? Have I loved less because I was busy waiting. Have I missed opportunities to bless someone by waiting? Way too many what ifs and what have I done all these years to bore people with, but sometimes sleep does not come because I think about this too much. It is water under the bridge now, but that does not stop me from looking back. But am I looking back too much to see what is coming up next? Or simply missing life right now wondering about the water under the bridge and waiting? Deep Crap! The 35 years in Oklahoma, some of which I was waiting to live in some other place, but now I do and that does not seem like such a bad place after all.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
So much to be grateful for.
We went to see the MIL on Dec 4th. It was a very nice time with her. I came home after 3 days and the husband stayed a bit longer to have mother/son time. It rained the whole time I was there, but that's ok. The DC area is nice in the rain. But once again I was reminded why I could NEVER live there for any length of time, too many people. Oh massive amounts of people. We were driving in the rain in the 5:00 rush hour traffic, dark, and it was just awful. People do that each and every day. How do they not go crazy, oh wait , they do. We live in an area that has plenty of people but not that many! And we have most of the conveniences that a very populated place has. For that I am very grateful.
We went to see the MIL on Dec 4th. It was a very nice time with her. I came home after 3 days and the husband stayed a bit longer to have mother/son time. It rained the whole time I was there, but that's ok. The DC area is nice in the rain. But once again I was reminded why I could NEVER live there for any length of time, too many people. Oh massive amounts of people. We were driving in the rain in the 5:00 rush hour traffic, dark, and it was just awful. People do that each and every day. How do they not go crazy, oh wait , they do. We live in an area that has plenty of people but not that many! And we have most of the conveniences that a very populated place has. For that I am very grateful.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Winter, Colorado Style
Well the beginning of winter at least. Nothing real big, just cold with snow and not much occasionally.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Long Time
It has been way to long since my last blog post. There might be several reasons for that. I might be lazy. I might have been somewhat busy. And last but not least I have nothing to blog about. I think the last reason is the best. I have been watching all the blogs I watch typically. Since my last post, I have had an anniversary with my wonderful husband.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Another Weekend
We are trying to get in as many trips up into the mountains before winter makes that scary. We had to make a trip to the DMV on Saturday to get the husband's license changed to our new address so we did not have a full day. But we don;t need a full day when we live so close to so many places to go see and be home by dark. LOVE IT!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Much Needed Weekend
This weekend was much needed. I have been completely out of sorts and with no motivation, boredom has set in. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty to do, but lack of umph to do things is where I have been. It all has to do with being unsettled. I had lived in that home with all it's faults for 15 years, and I knew where everything was and and it was my home. This one is beautiful and not yet home. So, here I am trying to be at home in a city I don't know and I feel like a foreigner, but as time goes on I will feel more like I'm at home.
Back to this weekend, the husband was wise enough to realize I needed a break, so we decided to drive to Westcliffe for the day. It is only an hour and half away and a beautiful drive. But the view there is to die for. I LOVE this place!!! I would love to live there, but it is away from the family and they don't want us to move.
Back to this weekend, the husband was wise enough to realize I needed a break, so we decided to drive to Westcliffe for the day. It is only an hour and half away and a beautiful drive. But the view there is to die for. I LOVE this place!!! I would love to live there, but it is away from the family and they don't want us to move.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
I Need Some Motivation
The move is done, and now life is settling back to a semi-routine. The only thing lacking is motivation on my part to keep me from going crazy with nothing to do. I read other blogs and envy all the busyness! Never thought I would ever say that. But here I am. I love to cook, not afraid of really hard recipes. The only problem with cooking is what to do with it when it is done. The husband and I are trying to not eat more than we need, and at our age our daily caloric intake should be dropping. That does not leave room for cooking much. I could make quilts or some sort of cute thing like that but I just moved and I have way too many blankets that my mother made and I made over the years. I hate to make something and then have too much and no more storage to put it in. I hurt my wrist finishing that last piece of furniture and am still struggling with it. So that cuts out getting into my upholstery. Besides, I just gave away one of the chairs I redid last year. I have NO room for more projects. I thought about making gifts for Christmas, like trying my hand at making bath products. I may do that, but I really just want something to sink my time into that will be satisfying, not making gifts for Christmas. I am sure I'll come up with something I can do that will be a good hobby. I love my upholstery but it is so very physical and what in the world does one do with all the pieces of furniture that I do when it is done?
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Keeping Up
I have had a lot of trouble keeping up with all in my life much less this blog. Because I moved, I guess blogspot thought my blog got hacked because I was coming from a different IP address. That's the reason for the last post about losing my blog. I could not find it and had no access to it. I finally did just the right thing and there it was.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Have I lost my blog
I may have lost my blog. I am testing this to see if I can recover it.
Found it!!!
Not sure what happened but I have recovered all my hard work. I do love my blog!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
I Just Feel Blessed
Today was a great day. It started out disturbing. A blogger friend of mine was having a horrible day and I and a lot of other people went to God in prayer, The blog belongs to Roxy. Yesterday her grandson went missing while on a hunting trip with his father and grandfather and others. He was not found until today. He was in the mountains in Colorado and it was snowing. He is only 13 yr old, He was found alive and well! That is the power of our God and prayer!
It was also time for our fellowship at church, It was good. The music uplifting and the sermon applicable. After church we had lunch with a friend of mine that I have had for lots of years. She came down from Denver and we had a great time visiting. I made lasagna and salad and bread, and her favorite dessert, chocolate creme brulee. We had the afternoon to get caught up and it was a nice day.
So, with this day coming to a close, I am grateful for a day that helps to renew my faith.
It was also time for our fellowship at church, It was good. The music uplifting and the sermon applicable. After church we had lunch with a friend of mine that I have had for lots of years. She came down from Denver and we had a great time visiting. I made lasagna and salad and bread, and her favorite dessert, chocolate creme brulee. We had the afternoon to get caught up and it was a nice day.
So, with this day coming to a close, I am grateful for a day that helps to renew my faith.
Monday, October 13, 2014
This is Just for Me
But I thought I would share. Maybe someone else needs this. It is courtesy of Blue Letter Bible.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
We have so many 'witnesses' that have gone on before us. So many men and women of faith (Hebrews 11) that are the examples the Lord has given us to follow. We are to lay aside every weight. Now, what are these weights? They are the things that bring about stress and worries. They are the things Jesus wants to carry for us! We also need to lay aside our sin. Sin is inevitable. Even the lives of the very witnesses spoken of inHebrews 11 are fraught with sins and the remorse of sin! Even though we cannot be perfect of ourselves, we must lay aside our wants and desires and choose to follow the Lord (Romans 6:15). This is a hard thing to do, but we must run with patience.
Jesus has given each of us a race to run. Each of our races are different, this means that we cannot compare our race with others. At times, our race is difficult. We become tired and worn out, but then God reminds us of how much we need Him! We are not running alone! We have the Creator of the world running beside us and He is willing to carry us when we cannot go on! In order to run and run well, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus.
There are so many things that can take our gaze off Jesus! People. Circumstances. Difficult struggles. Self-pity. But as Peter learned, it is when you take you eyes off Jesus that you sink! In all that we do, no matter the circumstances, we need to keep our eyes focused on Him for He knows all things (Proverbs 4:25-27)! If we fix our eyes on Jesus, our paths are made straight.
Jesus has endured the cross for us! We are the joy set before Him! He went through so much pain and shame, for us! Think about it, Jesus, the SON of GOD came to EARTH as a MAN and was crucified as a CRIMINAL!! What a humbling experience! We often do not recognize how much shame He went through for us! But now! Now He is seated at God's right hand! And He continually intercedes on our behalf!
Jesus has given each of us a race to run. Each of our races are different, this means that we cannot compare our race with others. At times, our race is difficult. We become tired and worn out, but then God reminds us of how much we need Him! We are not running alone! We have the Creator of the world running beside us and He is willing to carry us when we cannot go on! In order to run and run well, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus.
There are so many things that can take our gaze off Jesus! People. Circumstances. Difficult struggles. Self-pity. But as Peter learned, it is when you take you eyes off Jesus that you sink! In all that we do, no matter the circumstances, we need to keep our eyes focused on Him for He knows all things (Proverbs 4:25-27)! If we fix our eyes on Jesus, our paths are made straight.
Jesus has endured the cross for us! We are the joy set before Him! He went through so much pain and shame, for us! Think about it, Jesus, the SON of GOD came to EARTH as a MAN and was crucified as a CRIMINAL!! What a humbling experience! We often do not recognize how much shame He went through for us! But now! Now He is seated at God's right hand! And He continually intercedes on our behalf!
Hope someone else needed this!
A Good Sunday
We went to church Sunday. It was a great service. The people were friendly, the music inspiring, and the sermon great. The one hymn we sang was one I have known since I was old enough to sing. It spoke reminded me of something I needed to be reminded of.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Getting Used to Colorado-Living!
There is a lot to get used to: different house, much higher elevation, unsettled pets, loss of time with family and friends... But there is a lot to enjoy: nice house, beautiful views, great weather, and the possibilities of much more.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
More Wedding
This move has been so exhausting! I have not kept up with my blog like I like to. Here goes more wedding pictures. It was one of the two most beautiful weddings I have ever seen.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
A Good Word
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. (John 14:18)
Despite times of sorrow and loneliness, the Lord will ever be our Father. We who believe shall never be forsaken and shall never lack His provision. Praise the Lord for His lovingkindness. Praise the Lord for His unbounded mercy upon your soul. Praise forever the Lord who has delivered you from death into His everlasting and princely family. Praise the Lord and rejoice O you peoples of the Almighty God!
In this time when the news is awful, you all know what I mean, my comfort comes from my Heavenly Father. There is not much comfort to be had elsewhere!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
The Wedding
They have been married for one week. They had a wonderful honeymoon to Portland, Oregon and stayed at the Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA. I have been there and it is wonderful. But, back to the wedding. The wedding took place at the bride's family farm in SE Oklahoma. It was rather remote and very private.
Friday, October 3, 2014
At Home????
The Oklahoma home belongs to someone else, and we are trying to make the Colorado house a home. It is going to take some time. While this house is bigger by 1000 sq ft, it seems smaller! How does that happen. I had grown into the other home. I miss it terribly! Although living here in Colorado is a dream come true, the Oklahoma home was just that, my home, even with all its faults. I guess it will take time. After the hurried and super buy wedding, then emptying the house, then driving 12 hours with 2 cats and 1 dog, I am too tired to enjoy living here. I spent yesterday working on making the kitchen liveable, and cookable. I am trying to make my office/sewing room workable today. NOT EASY!
When I get more organized, I'll post some pictures of the wonderful wedding.
Until then,
When I get more organized, I'll post some pictures of the wonderful wedding.
Until then,
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
When we accepted Christ, our sinful nature was crucified upon the cross and Christ became our life. Our life here on earth has changed; we no longer have sinful goals. Instead, we desire to further the kingdom of Christ.
My Prayer: I praise You, Lord, for the awesome God that You are! Thank You for Your wonderful salvation! Continue to change my heart and make me more like You.
My Prayer: I praise You, Lord, for the awesome God that You are! Thank You for Your wonderful salvation! Continue to change my heart and make me more like You.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
A Good Word for Today
Not much time but this was just right on for me, maybe for you, too!
For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel [will be] your rereward. (Isaiah 52:12)
Never need the bride of Christ, when arrayed in her battledress, proceed anxiously to meet the enemy. Nor shall she flee from villainous hoards, defeated and brought low. She is the queen of God's right hand and ever shall He protect her comings and goings, guarding her both before and behind, and ever granting her sword arm the full measure of His omnipotent strength. Rejoice in the Lord! Rejoice in your strength!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
One Week Until My Son Gets Married!
It is one week until the rehearsal dinner! Yikes! That will be my party. We are having hot dogs! The wedding is on the DIL, yes she pretty much is already my DIL!, parents farm. They don;t live on the farm, but it does have a cabin and is a beautiful place about 3 hours from our house. It is rough to say the least. Hot dogs are very appropriate for a rehearsal dinner. I will get polish dogs and chicken sausages from Sams club. I am going to wrap them with bacon and grill them. We will have lots of different toppings and sauces. Of course we will have potato salad and bakes beans and rotel queso and chips. We will finish off the meal with chocolate cupcakes like hostess cupcakes, homemade! We had them at the daughters wedding and they were a big hit. After that I will come home and finish preparing for the reception. The reception food will be all individually wrapped and easy to eat. Since there will be no cooking food or heating up for the wedding, it all has to be prepared ahead of time. We will have 7 layer mexican dip in cups, chips, shrimp and cocktail sauce in cups, veggies and ranch dip, cheeses and crackers, pulled pork , turkey, and roast beef sandwiches on Hawaiian bread, pasta salad in cups, fruit in cups. That's a lot of preparing and individual wrapping to do for 80 people. I am also making the grooms cake, carrot cake cupcakes. So, I have lots of things to do at the same time I am finishing packing up my house and getting ready to move Sept 30! Yikes! I have had lots of time but all this work has to be done last minute. That can't be helped. The husband is coming to help, soon.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
From Anticipation to Who Cares
You know that anticipation you feel around Thanksgiving about the upcoming holiday, Christmas? The best part of the holiday is the anticipation of what is to come. Whether you enjoy the family time or the weather, or the stories or well, you see what I am saying. The anticipation is the best part. The retail industry, in an effort to get our dollars starts shoving the holiday down our throats earlier and earlier. So, somewhere along the way the anticipation goes away and what sets in is indifference. Who cares. I have experienced that over the last 5 years or so. The holiday season is just not the same for me. Yes, the real reason for the season is that we somehow have related this time of year with the birth of Jesus Christ, but that's not all it is , hasn't been for centuries. But not to get too far down the Christmas rant, my reason for mentioning this anticipation is as an analogy of what I am dealing with about my move. I have dreamed of moving and living in Colorado for years. I thought it would never come true. So, the anticipation was what kept me going at times. That anticipation has turned into who cares for me now. What caused the who cares, maybe the stress and living apart from the husband and my second guessing whether this was a wise move...I could go on. But I am having trouble getting excited about anything. The blahs have set in and now I don't want to live here or there. Where you say? Good question. The problem is that I don't want to pack anything else or unpack anything else. Soon this house will belong to a wonderful family that is excited to live here. And I have to make the final move. I guess one of my main concerns that has me a bit messed up is that I need to move the little boys.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
The Final Week
We are now into the final week of living alone here in Oklahoma and in Colorado. Next Sat, the 20th, the husband will come back here to help me with wedding preps and wrapping up this house. Then the "little boys" and I will make our way across I-40 then up I-25 to our new home. I am so excited, I am sure they will not be, but being with me will make it ok for the boys. I really need to get the kitties out in the car for a couple rides before that day. Just short rides around the block will make it not so dramatic. Cats don't like to ride, dogs do, but after an hour or two, they don't like it either. We will have 10 hours! I will probably seek the advise of our Vet before I pack up my loved ones.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
The Settee
Here it is. I put the inside of the wings on and the back and working on the outside of the wings.
It is coming together nicely. This is my first piece of furniture to do in a solid color and let me just tell you it shows every mistake a thousand times more than something with some design. But I need a solid color to go with all the crazy colors that the chairs have.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Alone Again
I'm alone again. It will only be for two more weeks, and that could feel like a lifetime at times. But I survived the last 3 weeks, so this should go by pretty fast. The thing that will make this better is knowing that this is the last time for a long time I will have to live alone. I could not be more grateful that this move is almost done. I am more than ready to live with the husband. It really doesn't matter where, just together! I was planning a short trip out to Colorado, but have decided to stay home. The husband will be VERY busy with the business because he will be back here in 2 weeks for the Wedding and the house closing, so he does not need me being there as a distraction. Kind of sad, but it is the best thing. I will just move along towards getting ready for the reception and rehearsal dinner and getting the house ready to completely pack up.
Here are some pictures of past trips to Colorado.
Here are some pictures of past trips to Colorado.
Friday, September 5, 2014
"Great is Thy Faithfulness"
The inspection went well, all three of them. We only failed one. But that's Ok. We have termites, but who doesn't in Oklahoma. The rest went pretty well. We have some little things that need to be fixed and that will be done. Now to wait for the wedding and then the final move...
In the meantime, the world is in turmoil, but this hymn came to me this morning and I just had to share.
Most people have sung this song at one time or another or like me have been blessed to sing it enough times to almost remember every last word. And it is true, every last word.
In the meantime, the world is in turmoil, but this hymn came to me this morning and I just had to share.
Most people have sung this song at one time or another or like me have been blessed to sing it enough times to almost remember every last word. And it is true, every last word.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
It's a New Month
September is here. What will it bring? I have no idea. In some ways it might be a rough month. Labor day was nice. We spent some time with the future DIL's family. A nice time was had by all. Today was our trip to the chiropractor in Tulsa. They are the best. Fortunately we both were in alignment and that is amazing considering all the lifting and moving we have done. This was our last trip there since we will be in Colorado soon. But if I am ever in great need, I will make the trip back to Tulsa to this office. Tomorrow will be the dreaded tooth extraction and a house inspection. What a day! Hoping and praying for good results on both, but mostly the husband's health!
Got to love this view of Colorado Springs!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
My Morning Devotional
I must say my morning devotions are the best thing to happen to me in a long time! The word of God, the Bible, give me hope for each new day when the things I see around me and the worries of the day want to overwhelm me. But proof that they don't is in how well I sleep at night. This morning's devotional was about all this. If you are interested in the website, .here it is.
A beautiful rose form Mema's house a few years ago.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
I was reading blogs one day and ran across this blog, Living from Glory to Glory, and I just fell in love with the spirit of this woman. After reading her blog and her bio I found that she lives in Colorado! I emailed her and we shared a couple emails back and forth. She introduced me to a few devotionals she follows online. I have benefited from that more than anything in many years. It has renewed my faith in God. I can only say that finding her was providential. Many times in my life I have had to wait, and it is one of the hardest things for me to do. Sounds silly, but I am not the most patient person, never have been. I remember being a child and being very impatient. But enough of that. This morning's devotional was spot on for me. Here it is. I hope it speaks to one other person.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
We Made it Through the First Appraisal
We are one step closer to making it real that this house will sell the end of Sept. We have an inspection next Wed and that will be another big hurdle. I am trying to remain hopeful. I am somewhat of a pessimist anyway. So getting to that hopeful stage takes some pretty good signs. Here is a good example, even though things look good, anything can happen. We shall see. I am more than ready to move.
Here are some old storm pictures from the OK house. They were beautiful clouds, although the first one was a tornado that set down for a bit west of us then did not again.
Here are some old storm pictures from the OK house. They were beautiful clouds, although the first one was a tornado that set down for a bit west of us then did not again.
Time Flies, or Crawls
Most often you hear how time flies, unless you are waiting for something, and I am so, time crawls. I always feel guilty if I feel like I am trying to rush time on. Back in the day, I remember wanting to rush time so I could quit changing diapers. But something precious is lost when time gets rushed. There are moments that pass and if you are so busy rushing on to the next thing, you completely miss those moments. Mostly during this time I am alone and I guess there might be moments to miss, but not as much as other times when you are around loved ones. I feel like I rush the day by so I can sleep and hurry the next day just the same. That is not a good thing to admit, but I am very anxious to get out to Colorado with the husband. Hopefully this next month will go by faster. It will be full of things to do. Lack of projects and jobs makes time crawl.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Inspections, a Necessary Evil
Well, maybe evil is a bit strong, just feels like an intrusion. But the guy doing this one seems very nice. He is not stuffy but very normal. The misconceived notion that these guys are mean comes from where? Anyway, we will see what needs to happen next to insure my going to Colorado soon. The wedding is one month away, and I am ready for the move. Not trying to rush the wedding, it will be lovely, just excited to finish this move.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Sometimes You Have to Slow Down and Live Now
I have been spending a lot of time waiting to leave here and live in Colorado. I realized that if I just quit living and try to wait to live, I will miss more than I want to miss. I must live in the here and now. I can not tell for certain what the future holds. Things might change and I might be here longer and if all I have done is put life on hold, then I will be more than devastated. So, what does it look like to live and not wait, no more talk about how many days are left. I find a schedule and stick with it and start some new projects to keep busy. This is not a bad place to be. The house is very familiar and is very peaceful. I can do this, even if I have to continue for a lot longer than I was planning. So, here we go finding the things that I love about being here.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Brutal Class
This love seat had hidden secrets that presented a problem. I got it almost completely stripped and found that the legs were one piece that was put on after it was partially finished. So, I had to take off the leg section. That would have helped in getting it to class.
Sometimes Life Can Be Frustrating
The stuff finally arrived from Maryland. It left a month ago, and just made it to Colorado! The moving company, Colonial Van Lines is the most undependable I have yet to see. They used all the excuses! But, as we said all along, these items were part of the liquidation of the MIL's house. If we never saw them again, it would be sad, but have never lived with these items.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sometimes You Have to Think Outside the Box, or in This Case the Car
Class begins tonight and I must get my loveseat to class. The back is too tall for my car, so on top of the car it goes. Thanks to the son's old college roommate who came by because the post office thinks he still lives at our house, the love seat is on top of my car. Now off to class and taking it down might be a real comedy act.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
I Knew This Day Would Come
I knew that I would be very glad we made this BIG move. I am finally there. Even though I am still in Oklahoma, the doubts I had and the sheer panic as we were closing on the house, have passed. I am not only very glad we decided to do this, I am now having trouble waiting to go. I want to be there experiencing my new house. I want to be fixing it up and having devotions in my sewing room. I want to make soup in the kitchen and making the house smell yummy. I want to go check on the husband in his office and take him some green tea. All in time... In the meantime, I an here in an almost empty house with not a lot to do. I have continued to get things ready to move. And the inevitable cleaning out the fridge and freezer. That is something I did today. Well, the fridge. I am getting rid of things and not buying groceries. I am trying to use it up and just be happy eating what is here.
Friday, August 15, 2014
And So it Begins...Inspections!
The first of the inspections for this house are underway. I can only hope and pray that things go fairly smoothly. I know there are some repairs that are bound to come up, just hoping they are not the deal-breaker kind or bank-breaker ones. This will all be taken in stride. God has been good to us. No complaints. I am glad the lawn is freshly mowed. That is always a good thing.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Stay or Try To Go?
I had this hair-brained idea that maybe I would just pack up the little boys and jump in my car and head to Monument. The dog is having a terrible time with his allergies right now. I thought he was very sick yesterday, and never left his side. He has been itching non-stop. I have even been giving him Benadryl. That seems to offer some relief. But poor guy, he just can't seem to handle the stress. He is not eating well and is SO sad. I know here in Oklahoma, we are expecting a terrible allergy season. The mountains would be so good for him and will when we go. I think I must stay here and maybe give him baths several times a week. I would love nothing more than to go ahead and go, but the plan is for me to be here and handle the inspections and see my mother and spend time with family, then leave after the wedding. Oh waiting is hard! It might be one of the hardest things to do.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Back to Aloneness
The husband is off traveling again, then back to Colorado. I will have solitude here in Oklahoma. This has an end, and it can not come quick enough.
Last night was the wonderful wedding shower for the son and his fiance at her grandmother's house. It was well attended and they got LOTS of wonderful things. The best part was how loving they are to each other. They have great respect for each other and that is a wonderful thing to see.
Last night was the wonderful wedding shower for the son and his fiance at her grandmother's house. It was well attended and they got LOTS of wonderful things. The best part was how loving they are to each other. They have great respect for each other and that is a wonderful thing to see.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
The Last Hurrah!
Tonight will be the last hurrah at the OK home. We have had MANY gatherings as this at this house. We make food, we have people over, we have a bonfire, and just good times. The main reason for this one is to celebrate the youngest daughter's birthday. We are also throwing in there that we will not have another like this, so it is our house colding, opposite of house warming party. I am not sure who will come and it might be very few, that's OK. Few might be better than lots. Who knows maybe just our children show up. Just so my daughter knows that her parents love her is what I am after.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Is there such a thing? Of course! These are pets that belong to my children, so they are grand-pets. I have three that live with me, the "little boys". And my son has two more. and the daughter has one. The other daughter has a snake, but it is not such a lovable pet. Sorry no pictures.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
This is a Wonderful Home...
Hopefully it will continue to be a wonderful home for someone else. I would love to turn over the keys to a family that will love this place half as much as I have. Walking through it tonight showing how great it is reminded me again of all the love this house has to share.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
It's Happening...
I am missing the husband like crazy, but I am also missing my new home. I am SO ready to be there with my "little boys"! I only wish it were going to be sooner than later. We made the new home so cozy and it is so beautiful and I catch myself thinking about how I am going to make this better or change that. I will just have to be patient and make to most of my time here. I do have a rehearsal dinner to plan and all the reception food for the son's wedding. I can still spend quality time with my mother. It seems that she is expecting to go any day now. And should that happen it will be better to be here rather than 600 miles away. But I can still wish for being there especially since the husband is there.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
More Pictures of the New House
So, here are some random pictures of the house. It is a work in progress. It will take some time to be "home". The pets are not there and all the furniture is not there and mostly I am not there. But there are wonderful things about the house.
Friday, August 1, 2014
First Load Completed
The first load has been successfully delivered to Colorado. It was the biggest part of our belongings. The rest will go later when I move there to stay. Right now the husband is occupying the Colorado house and I the Oklahoma house with the "little boys".
Here are the gnomes making their way to the truck for their new adventure.
Here are the gnomes making their way to the truck for their new adventure.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Back on Track
We are back on track to pack up and move the majority of our stuff soon. We will pick up a truck today and pack some tomorrow and pack big stuff Sunday and then we will drive it out on Monday. We need to do this thing. That house is empty and has been for a while. Never good.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Progress? Well, sort of. The husband is home and has an abscessed tooth, BAD. It does seem to be slowly getting better. Thank God for antibiotics. Both the husband and the dog are on them. They will both be better for them, now to make sure they get enough yogurt.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Husband Comes Home Today!!
Life for the next couple of months will revolve around when I get to see the husband. We will have to live apart for a while, since we own 2 homes. I will stay at the OK home while he will be at the CO home. I really love his company so this will be difficult for me. Today he is coming home from MD, visiting his mother. He is a good son, also.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Back Home
Glad to be at home for a time. I know that my home will be in the new house soon, but for now my little boys and I will be comforted by this house until we make the change. I will continue to look at these things as best I can with God's help and work on not feeling anxious. It will take time and it will be good in the long run. I have the best husband! He is my earthly rock. Thought we might enjoy a tribute to him today.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
It's a Colorado Morning
We are in Colorado and it's the beginning of our new chapter. I must admit BIG HUGE scary feelings of change. I know change is good but has it's uncomfortableness, and for someone who treasures my comfort, this is outside my comfort zone. But all things that require time and real effort to make good, this will be the best move we have ever made. It just needs 6 months to get good. After a meltdown last night, my wonderful husband helped me see the reasons we are really doing this. Slept well and ready to do this thing. Pictures to come.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Let's Do This Thing
Leaving to get the house in Colorado. BIG step. No turning back. There will be many nights to watch the sun set over the Rocky Mountains. I have loved the sunsets here in central OK. And I guess when I come back to see relatives there will be more. It's a new chapter. But more of the old chapter.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
A Good Word
I have several new blogs that I am following. I find great help and encouragement in some of these blogs. Some are people just like you and me and their interesting lives. I love to keep up with their projects and lives. There are some that are just devotional. This is the word from one today.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
It's Getting Close
It is only two days away. So exciting yet so scary, BIG change. I am pretty nervous and while I know this is the right thing, it still is very nerve-racking. Memories!
Big Hair!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Rain in July!
We always welcome rain in July. I think it is a key element in keeping a heat dome at bay. If it is dry enough we get these heat domes and nothing happens here in central Oklahoma except extreme heat. That heat sometimes leads to grass fires and with our wind, they are very destructive, not one of our more enduring characteristics. We also have as many earthquakes as California! So, just because we have the heat doesn't mean we don't have cold weather. We have ice storms almost as bad as Arkansas. They may have us beat on this wonderful weather treat.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Hot Day
Nothing like a really hot day to remind me of just one of the reasons we are moving to Colorado. Temperature in the truck on the way to get more boxes said 108. All the while it was only 75 in Colorado. Many other reasons we want to live in Colorado and I temporarily lost sight of those things for the memories here in Oklahoma. Nothing wrong with OK, been a great home for 35 years, just time for something new. And with it comes uncomfortableness. There will be a time to get used to being someplace completely new. So, here are some of last winter's pictures.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
Mowing 2.25 Acres...
Mowing the acreage is a love/hate thing. There are days like today when the weather is just right for putting the headphones on and taking a 2-3 hour ride on the John Deere and belting out a variety of tunes. All good up to the point when out of the corner of my eye I spy a RAT running through the gazebo. I sang louder! It totally grossed me out and I quickly finished that area and headed out to the open field. So, I guess this was a love/hate time. Fortunately, the rest of the mowing went very smoothly. Not too hot, or windy, and the sun was setting.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Packing is one of those inevitable chores that everyone has to do sometime in their lifetime. It is NEVER fun and people have their own way to pack. I always start out very organized and marking things well and cleaning out along the way. The more I pack the sloppier I get. And the worst thing is that I quit trying to decide what to keep and what to let go of. After a while it is, oh well, keep it get rid of it later. I am there. I know when the truck gets here, and we thought we had everything packed and there will be an extra 10 boxes of stuff that I did not pack. Never fails!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
More Packing
Getting more packing done. Still have a ton to do, but we are getting more dates set for how and when this whole address change is happening. So, here are more memories of this wonderful home.
Gathering with the old homeschool basketball team.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
A Good Day
Got enough done today that I don't feel overwhelmed as much. Packing is never fun, but is a necessity.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
There Will Be Days When I Say, Why???
This is one of those days. Why did we decide we needed to uproot and move???? I know it is really what we want to do, there are always those second guessing days that leave you wondering. But I must remember all those days that led up to the decision to even consider the move, then all the days that we searched, then the trip out to look and then "the house". Yes, it is the best move, just getting there is a BIG deal. The house is literally lined with filled boxes. It is uncomfortable living here. And the timing to move to another state is always tricky. It is easier to move from across town, across the state to another one, not so easy. It is a juggling act.
Friday, July 4, 2014
I know when it is all said and done, I will be glad, but I feel like I will NEVER want to move again when this is all said and done. So, if this is not where I want to live out my life, I need to just live with it! Not doing this again. Just thinking about how to pack all the crap I live with doesn't sound like much fun. I will get started tomorrow. I have about 3 weeks to get it all packed or thrown away or given away! UGH! I just want to hide away from it all. But I am not a quitter, I will rally and do a good job.
Expect more memories from this place.
Expect more memories from this place.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
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