Obviously, the one in the middle. Sorry, husband, but this is a happy photo! She is the new future daughter-in-law. I couldn't be happier for my son. She is a treasure!
This is the before picture and on a very small level this chair is a treasure like the future DIL. It was dirty and I refused to let it inside my house until time to strip it. I did not get a good picture of its near naked state, because I left the springs in the seat and in the back because they were in good shape. I did reinforce the strapping that held it all in place and replaced the tacks with staples.
Then covered the existing with cushion wrap. Cushion wrap covers and keeps things together. In this case it made pushing things towards the back difficult because of the lack of space. This kind of maneuvering did a number on my hands, so glad I keep my nails done or they would all be split and broken and bleeding.
The beginning of adding the blanket. As you can see I am using a blanket that was purchased in the 70's somewhere on the cross-country hitchhiking trip my husband did. It had holes in it and was very well appreciated at that time. It's been one of those keepsake things that occupy a cabinet, you all have some of those. I have chosen to make things of them and pass them on.
Not perfect but as you can see the bottom was difficult to work. It was cut to work inside the curves and stapled. In the end the staples will be covered with double cording and glued in place. A chair takes me about 8 classes to complete. This one might take more than 8, I have spent a lot of time re-doing things. UGH! but it needs to look good to my eye. More later on this chair.
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