After I put the cording on Tess, I stood back and said, the red has to go. It was just too strong and was not looking any better with time. So the red had to go. While it is a great red, my favorite, it was too much and looked out of place with the other fabric for these chairs. It would have been great to cover these chairs totally with the red but that's not the vision I had for these chairs. So I decided to change horses in the middle of the stream, change fabrics in the middle of the project. I will stick with the map fabric and cover the arms with the maps, keep the denim cording for all then cover the back with denim. I will make a pillow for each chair with the red arms because the fabric is so good with it but not in large amounts.
So good-bye to the red arms, took 2 hours to undo them.
Here is how the change will look. I only got one arm done. But I can already tell that I like this SO much better. It just works. So sometimes you have to go with a gut feeling. Glad I did.
The denim really does compliment the map fabric. This set me back at least 1 class maybe more but it is totally worth it. I will be ready to go next week.
I bought this chair and its twin today for my next project. Fun little chairs for a bedroom or whatever. I'm now trying to find the right fabric. More on these little girls later.
Love your decisiveness on doing away with the red in favor of the map fabric. Now . . . about this changing of horses in mid-stream. Let's not take that too far, OK?