I will spend the next month reviewing our stay here and look for pictures to document the memories. This is not the same thing as a tribute to my deceased sister. Although both are full of memories. This current change is one we want and it will begin a new chapter in our lives. The passing of my dear sister was unwanted and largely sad and difficult to maneuver through. So, while both might cause emotion, one is out of a deep desire to experience something else in life, this address change. So here goes. Join me, won't you?
Simpler Times

Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Where Does the Time Go?
As we begin our journey to change our address we do some necessary cleaning out and sloughing off of both stuff and memories. Memories are much harder to slough off. Some just won't go away, those get to stay. But as we prepare to prepare, you realize that it seems like only yesterday we were so excited to be moving in to this house. I still love it in so many ways. It's has been a safe haven and warm place for us , our children, our animals, and many friends that have spent many a night here. The times in the back and in the field and all around have been a lifetime of good memories. Of course there is the occasional sad memory in there and without those, the good ones are not as good.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Wedding Prep Has begun
We went out scouting for free willow to make an archway for the son's wedding coming up this September. We (mostly the husband) have made willow things from time to time. Years ago we made tables and plant stands from willow. Even made an amazing rose trellis for my mother for Christmas. We (again mostly the husband) made the archway for the daughter's wedding. It was so cool looking and perfect for the wedding.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Class Over, Chair Finished
Class over, chair finished. Am I pleased? Mostly. The idea was a good one, but working with blankets that were not meant to be cut into always presents a problem. But, this one is complete. There are places that will wear faster than most should but only because the blanket was compromised. Part of me says I should not be cutting into someone's hard work, but the other part of me says I am putting them to good use and repurposing something that might otherwise sit and gather dust in a closet.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Happy Birthday to the BIL
Today is my BIL's birthday. This man is an amazing man. He has been in my life since I was 5 years old. He and my sister married when I was 6. Besides being like the brother I never had, he gave me away when I married in 1981. My dear father had passed away and he was the man of the hour. He has always been there and has been the man of great honor all these years. So it is with great pleasure that I dedicate this blog post to the BIL.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Better Late Than Never...
I have not wanted to blog. Many reasons. I just returned from a whirlwind trip to the DC area. Had a great visit with the MIL. This was the first trip out with her in assisted living and no place to stay, well, not her home. I stayed in a Hilton Garden Inn. It was nice and clean. It was just a 30 minute drive to her assisted living home. But in this area, the hotels are all centered in certain areas and where she lives in NO where near any of these areas. Also, this is summertime in the DC area, and it is prime vacation time. This means LOTS of people and tourists and hotels full and kind of crazy. It was not a bad visit, just a lot of time on the road. The visit with the MIL was quite wonderful.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Trouble With the Chair
The trouble with Indian blankets is that they are not fabric, or at least not regular fabric, much less upholstery fabric. I was very careful to put iron on interfacing on the backs of all the blankets. But with all the prep, I still found out that you can not cover a cushion with this blanket. No matter how hard I tried to prep when it came time to cover the cushion, the blanket unraveled.
Monday, June 16, 2014
We have too many chairs. But I love reupholstering a good chair. It is like breathing new life into an old piece of furniture. Unfortunately I don't have room for them all.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Time For a New Chair
I am starting a new chair tomorrow. Today was stripping day. I put 100% into getting a chair ready to reupholster. Sometimes that means that I use superhuman strength to get the staples out. Using my superhuman strength like that makes me tired. That is where I am right now. But so glad to have it mostly ready to cover. I have considered doing this chair 2 different ways.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The Chair and the Weekend
The chair has nothing to do with the weekend, but they are both on my mind.
I have worked really hard on the chair this week. It is basically finished. The bottom cushion needs some added foam, and then we will see if the cover fits better. Then I add the extra stuffing to the back cushion, add the big button and this chair is done.
I have worked really hard on the chair this week. It is basically finished. The bottom cushion needs some added foam, and then we will see if the cover fits better. Then I add the extra stuffing to the back cushion, add the big button and this chair is done.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Oh This Chair
Not sure I like what I have chosen for this chair. Sometimes my ideas fall flat. This might be one of those times. I have worked really hard on it. So at this time I will continue on this path unless I think of a way to salvage my work.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Summer Class
I started the summer upholstery class on Monday. It is 4 hours a night, 3 times a week. The biggest drawback is that it is summer time and the a/c in the school is pitiful. We have a big fan, but while we are working hard and sweating it does little good. This hobby is manual labor! I love it, though. There is nothing like working hard enough to be tired. Being tired from lack of physical activity is no good.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
A New Month
Well, it is June. Who knows what June will bring this year. It is going to be different from last year. I am taking a couple of trips. I am going to Washington DC and Colorado. Gonna go have a girl's weekend with the MIL. It will be fun except that part where I have to stay in a hotel. But it is better this way. But she and I both need a visit with each other. I love my MIL. She is great. It's been a difficult year for her with all her hospital visits then giving up her home for a safer environment for her. Although it was the best thing, there is still some grieving to be done when you no longer have your own home. So, we will go do the things we like to do and generally enjoy each others company. I am also going to Colorado. For many reasons, the main one being to get a look at some houses. Yes, we may be changing our address someday. I am also going to have a short but sweet visit with an old friend. So looking forward to that visit and the whole trip. If there is anything interesting to report from either trip, I am sure it will appear here.
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