Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Friday, June 27, 2014

Class Over, Chair Finished

Class over, chair finished.  Am I pleased?  Mostly.  The idea was a good one, but working with blankets that were not meant to be cut into always presents a problem.  But, this one is complete.  There are places that will wear faster than most should but only because the blanket was compromised.  Part of me says I should not be cutting into someone's hard work, but the other part of me says I am putting them to good use and repurposing something that might otherwise sit and gather dust in a closet.

The cats LOVE anything new that comes into the house, and this is no exception.  I have to constantly check their motive for being on or around it.  No mistakenly using this as a new cat tree/scratching post!  I love the back the most.  That blanket was one I was hesitant to use for fear that is was just too bright for the other one, but using it on the sides and the back and a pillow seems to coordinate well.  I will have to display it where the back is visible.  But where am I to put all these projects...   
Since class is over and my right shoulder is hurting, I need to leave the world of upholstery alone for a couple of months.  I may have injured my rotator cuff, and I sure don't want to hurt it more so, rest is the answer at this point.  But my next class is in mid Aug, so enough time to make pillows, find homes for chairs and find new projects.  These are the chairs that may need to find new homes.  I hate to let any of them go, but my house is only so big!

First chair I ever did right.

If I could recoup my investment, I'd sell this one.  But it is my favorite.

I love these twin ladies, but where to put them!?

This is a great chair, but I am out of room.  It would be great if I did not have wall to wall chairs in my guest room, but I do.

And this cute and very comfy chair...

So, that's where I need to go with my chairs.  Hopefully I can find homes for them and then I can have time for new projects.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE how the new blanket chair turned out! All the brights looks amazing together!
