We took a much needed get-away Sunday. We have been wanting to see the small town of Rye with the intentions of someday living in a smaller community. This is an area similar to where we live, close to the front range/Wet mountains. But the mountains are higher. The little town is part of a tri-town group known as the greenhorn valley. Greenhorn mountain is 13'er very close. We ate at this little cafe, Rye Cafe, which was VERY good. They make paninis. After lunch we looked at a couple of houses then went up into the mountains. As it turns out it is very close to Westcliffe, one of our favorite places, our first choice when we dreamed of living in Colorado. On the way to Westcliffe we stopped at Bishop's Castle. This is a strange castle built by one man, very strange but interesting.

Strangest place with even stranger people there to view it. The man is very ill and the place is not complete. Someone tried to swindel the place out from under him by wanting to put a church here. Hopefully that doesn't happen. It needs to be left for the people just as he said.
We went on to Westcliffe and of course the views never disappoint!
The views may not disappoint but my photography skills are not there yet! It was awe inspiring.
We had a great time. We came home the long way, by way of Salida and the view of the Collegiates. Much later than we expected, but worth it for me.
Some interesting buildings on our way home and that tree...
My sister took me by Bishop's Castle when I last visited. Interesting obsession, odd story. I'd never been to the Wet Mountains before but can see why you'd like to live there.