Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My Blog

I have been the worst blogger for a while.  I feel my life is not very interesting and more than that I hate uploading pictures from my phone or camera and so I do not blog because I have no pictures to post.  I refuse to let my blog die.  I will keep it up even though I have little to blog about.

There is actually plenty going on.  My MIL is moving to Colorado and we have been VERY busy finding the right assisted living center for her to live.  If I were ambitious I would include a picture of each place we visited , but I took no pictures and therefore if I share the places it will be from their websites.  One was Sunrise Senior Center.  Close to family and it has amazing views of the mountains.

The next place we looked was Liberty Heights.  It is much closer to our house.  It has even more amazing views and is right across from the Air Force Academy, talk about a view!  It would probably be our first choice but there is a waiting list.  We need to act quickly, so waiting lists are not our friend!

The next place was Mackenzie Place.  It is the furthest away from us, but has a wonderful community feel.  Of course, it too has a waiting list.

So, we are on the waiting list all three places.  In 30 days we will know which one will be my MIL's new home in Colorado.  We are beyond excited to make sure her life is full of family and good memories.  More on this later.

I have a wonderful camera.   I have had some classes to learn to take better pictures.  But I fear the classes may have ruined my desire to take pictures.  It all seems to far out of my reach and the classes only made it worse.  Anyone want a good camera?  For sale of course!

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