I keep thinking I am almost done with the twins then I realize I am no where near done. But after tonight's class I may be almost done. The task tonight was to make that little piece on the front of the arm of a wing-back chair. I had no pattern so I had to make my own. Then I had to cut heavy cardboard, two for each arm. In between the two pieces I used the nails that hold the piece in place. Next I had to cover the pieces.
Before adding the end pieces, I added the piece across the front. This is Tess.
This is Bess.
All that is left now is the cord on the bottom, then the bottom will get the final closing of the chair. Then the ladies will come home to sit on either side of a barrister shelf in our guest room. Next up, another couple chairs. This is really fun hard work.
I had no idea those little pieces had to be done separately.