The top of the chairs were wompy, yes that is a word. But I took it all out and re did them both.
Simpler Times

Monday, March 31, 2014
Back to the Twins
Started a new class today, upholstery class # 5. I thought I was going to finally finish the twins Bess and Tess tonight, but I had to redo something AGAIN! I just couldn't stand the way the top of the back looked on both chairs, so it was undo time.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Signs of Spring
I don't like spring. There I said it! Sorry all you spring lovers. Spring is unkempt looking and unpredictable, in a storm way. I especially dread this spring. I have a not-so-good gut feeling about the weather. But nevertheless the signs are here.
Friday, March 28, 2014
It feels like Thursday
There are those days that feel like another day. This has been Thursday all day. But really it is Friday. A good thing because the husband comes home tomorrow. He has been a world traveler this week. I am really looking forward to him being home. No fun being alone.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Sourdough is an interesting thing. I ordered some sourdough last Christmas '12 and gave away as much as people would take. It is a good thing, but it is like having a pet that must be fed all the time. Some time during last summer while getting two houses ready to sell and selling and closing them, the sourdough quit being fed. Something had to go and it was the responsibility of the sourdough. It was kind of gross, although it was in the fridge the whole time so not that gross. But none the less it had to go. I decided recently that I wanted some sourdough bread and pancakes. So I ordered some more sourdough starter from King Arthur Flour. It is a great place to get things like this. But I am back to feeding and letting it bubble, and dividing and feeding and letting it bubble....well you see.
See the bubbles?
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
There is Something About Spring
There is something about spring that I do not like. Don't get me wrong, it is not all bad. I do enjoy the warm-up, especially if it happens more slowly instead of overnight. Spring comes after things have been sleeping for months and not much has been groomed or taken care of for months. The way things just start growing here and there and after a rain and a warm day they shoot up quickly makes it seem a lot more like an unkept yard than say the last time you mow in the fall. It is much too"wooly" for my liking. If the area is to be kept cut, like a yard, I like it short and organized. But just letting things grow up and take over is not organized and I don't like not knowing what might be hiding under the new growth. Just one of my quirks.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
More Green
There continues to be more and more green happening in our little store room. And when spring is here for sure they will be in the garden.
Monday, March 24, 2014
All Things Green
When we were little we each had our color, the color our mother thought best suited us and everything, I mean EVERYTHING was in our color. Older sister was dressed in blue, because of her very blue eyes. Jetta was always in green because she had auburn hair, very curly! I was the baby and had near black hair, like my mother, but pale skin like my father, and brown/hazel eyes, so I got pink. Everything was pink. To this day, I am not a fan of pink. It is just to foo-foo. But blue is actually a good color to this day for older sister and as long as I can remember and to her dying day, green was my Jetta's color.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
St. Patrick's Day 2014
It was a good time at our house on St Patrick's Day. Very lowkey with just the right people. The husband was away so he was very much missed by all.
We were trying to put the big hat on Meastro. He was so funny.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Nothing Like a Quick Trip to Make Home Wonderful
I have been over 3000 miles in the last 3 days. I took a quick flight out to Maryland and back to help the husband get the MIL's house ready to sell.
So I had to remember where I parked my car.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
There's Something Special About a Redhead...
I got two redheads. The first one was beautiful as was the second, but this blog post is about the first one. I know using the word beautiful is not always a good thing. But both are truly beautiful.
Sisters. Everyone who has a sister knows there is nothing like a sister. I even love the word, sister!
Monday, March 10, 2014
There Are "Those" Days
This is one of "those" days. I knew, but thought I would just push through. Sometimes it best to quit before things like this happen.
Those damn pneumatic staplers, sometimes they bite.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Spring Foward
This is the first morning after springing forward. It helps to have a beautiful morning. If it had been like yesterday with cold rain and dreary it would have been hard to wake up. But today is a good one. The husband and I have things to do together. I will post pictures before days end. We are working on seedlings for the spring garden. It's time to transplant some of them into larger containers! Yes, there is success.
Notice the black and white helper.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
The Fabric of Life
Now being a seamstress and doing upholstery, it only stands to reason that I would Love fabric. I do. I actually have a favorites called "fabric I like". I also love how people and places and events make up the fabric of a life.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Power On...Power Off...
While the power goes on and off, I thought I'd add a few memories to my online diary. Funny how diaries used to be kept with lock and key, now we would rather share them with the world, literally. What have we become, exhibitionist? I guess in a sense we have.
With the passing of my Jetta, I have started looking at all the pictures to hold on to her a bit. She will never leave me , she is part of the fabric of my life! I just like to see her in that fabric. She always loved green and saw a green thread in everything.
With the passing of my Jetta, I have started looking at all the pictures to hold on to her a bit. She will never leave me , she is part of the fabric of my life! I just like to see her in that fabric. She always loved green and saw a green thread in everything.
Everyone got taller than Jetta.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
WOW! That Class Wore Me Out!
I really deserve my rest tonight. I put so much into the Ladies tonight. I got all the arms switched out and added the outside wings. The muscles are shaky!
So these arms look so much better than the red ones.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
No Class! No Good!
Well my class has been canceled two days now. That's no good. Here in Oklahoma, the city doesn't understand snow plows need to be used! They drive around with the blades up and therefore we have streets with a little bit of snow and the city shuts down.
That's about 3 inches. Should not shut down a city.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
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