Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Signs of Spring

I don't like spring.  There I said it!  Sorry all you spring lovers.  Spring is unkempt looking and unpredictable, in a storm way.  I especially dread this spring.  I have a not-so-good gut feeling about the weather.  But nevertheless the signs are here.

Here are those purple weeds that take over and have to be mowed.

These faces are ready to go back on patrol in the yard.

He says,"I'm ready!"

He is reading but looked up to say Howdy!

Mushroom patrol

Purple fields


Tomorrow we are under a high fire danger.  Wednesday we are at a slight risk for tornadoes.   Oh the joys of living in Oklahoma during the spring.  Oh, and in case you thought that's all we deal with, check out the earthquake map.  We had two of the worst tornadoes in our history last year and they said it was a slow year for tornadoes.  They say this will be another slow year.  Yikes!  We will see.  Not looking forward to the watches and warnings, although they save lives, the rest of the whole city freaks and with good reason.  When we finally turn the corner and go into summer and then on into super summer, then it will be all about 100-110 degrees and more.  So maybe this is why I don't like spring.

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