Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Monday, March 10, 2014

There Are "Those" Days

This is one of "those" days.  I knew, but thought I would just push through.  Sometimes it best to quit before things like this happen.

Those damn pneumatic staplers, sometimes they bite.

I added the sides.

Reupholstering 2 chairs at the same time is not for the faint of heart.  I am not happy with them.  I know they will be OK, but I want good.  I will learn from my mistakes.

Have to lay it on it's side to reach the bottom.

I got the backs on but not the sides of the back.  This is where the staple went into my finger and I said, I'm done.  Packed my bag and left.

This was the first staple in the finger.  This time it hit bone.  Today was not near as bad as that.  No biggie, really but that told me I was done for the day.  That's all for today.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess that tetanus shot you got the first time is "paying its way" now! So sorry for the owie! Love you!
