Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Last Day of September

Nothing significant about the last day of September.  I just wanted to get one more blog post in before a new month.  I am trying to stay up with my blog even when I don't have much to blog about.
I did finally upload all the pictures from the big birthday party this summer.  That alone is a couple of days posting.  I will start with the real birthday dinner.  It was to be only the MIL and the husband and me.  But I knew that the firstborn red-haired angel girl was in town early and was going to surprise her grandmother by joining us for dinner.  It was great.  Just the 4 of us at one of our favorite Italian places in Rockville.  Amalfi's is some amazing Italian food.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday Adventure

After a GREAT service at church today, The husband and I took a picnic up into the mountains.  Can't live this close to remote and not visit it occasionally.  After all the saying,"The mountains are calling and I must go," is true.  I took pictures with my camera but have not uploaded them yet so here are a few from my phone.

Friday, September 25, 2015

I Love IKEA!

I needed a new desk area that could include my sewing area.  I started looking at other people's creative areas and realized that IKEA was an option.  I first had planned to make one whole side of my office/sewing room tables with drawer units.  But we decided the corner piece would make the room.  So, the husband and I went to IKEA in Denver and along with hundreds of other people that saturday, we wondered through the store going up and down all through all the areas.  It was not our first time, but our first time when we lived close enough to buy big stuff and take it home, YAY!!!  One of the things I was looking for was chairs for the son and DIL's new place for their dining table.  They have them!  LOTs of them!  I found the best ones and was able to afford to buy cushions to make them comfy.  But of course they had to be put together.  No problem.  The son and I put them together with NO problem.  That would be the first of many pieces of furniture I learned to put together.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My Blog

I have been the worst blogger for a while.  I feel my life is not very interesting and more than that I hate uploading pictures from my phone or camera and so I do not blog because I have no pictures to post.  I refuse to let my blog die.  I will keep it up even though I have little to blog about.

There is actually plenty going on.  My MIL is moving to Colorado and we have been VERY busy finding the right assisted living center for her to live.  If I were ambitious I would include a picture of each place we visited , but I took no pictures and therefore if I share the places it will be from their websites.  One was Sunrise Senior Center.  Close to family and it has amazing views of the mountains.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


My big buddy has not been doing very well.  Went to the vet yesterday after a half sleepless night.  The sweet dog was having an "episode", probably related to arrhythmia.  He has a heart condition and if left untreated his "episodes" will take a toll on him sooner than need be.  He is VERY healthy in all other areas.  We will see a cardiologist next week and hopefully get him on some meds that will prolong his life but the inevitability is that eventually his heart will give out.  But I am not willing to give up right now.  He has too much good life left.  So, Baron, you and I are going to walk and help ourselves.  He will LOVE walking with me.  He is the most wonderful companion.  How much better life is with BIG B!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Moving Day...

Truck   check
lots of boxes    check
drugged kitties   check
other kitties quarantined   check
Big dog nervous   check
More later...