Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The New Chair

I started a new chair tonight.  It is a simple side chair.  It took longer to strip it than it will to finish.

This is what I pulled out of the chair.  That's only a small portion of the staples I pulled from this chair.  There were this many on the bottom alone.  The fabric I want to use on this chair might be a pipe dream.  I don't have enough.  I need to look for some more of it.

The husband and I are getting healthy.  We are having a Raw Meal smoothie one meal a day.  It is made by Garden of Life.  It is very good for us and it will go a long way toward a more healthy body.  As we age things tend to not feel as good as they once did; knees, other joints, digestive system, etc.  We have also added a walk a day.  Hoping for better health, doing all we can.

This is what the smoothie looks like, this one have frozen blueberries and strawberries and mango.  We also added a banana to help it not be so grainy.  

The husband working on his.

After.  See it wasn't bad.  Since then we have learned that an avocado added and grapes and banana, make it quite yummy.  It's growing on me.

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