Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Progress?  Well, sort of.  The husband is home and has an abscessed tooth, BAD.  It does seem to be slowly getting better.  Thank God for antibiotics.  Both the husband and the dog are on them.  They will both be better for them, now to make sure they get enough yogurt.
 I bit down on an olive about 3 weeks ago and it had pit pieces in it, BAD.  I have a dentist appt for the first of August because of the move.  Got to take care of the teeth.  The move that was supposed to be happening right now, got postponed until the husband was a bit better.  Not exactly sure when that will take place but soon.  We have figured out how this move will happen.  He will go and I will stay.  The daughter and I will do odd jobs around this house to make it more ready for someone to want it.  The husband needs to set up his office and work.  He has new clients waiting.  That will give me time to rest mentally, help with the house, and help with the wedding.  I will have plenty of alone time to reflect back on this house and say a proper farewell.  I am VERY fortunate to be able to do this.  Thank you, Husband, for allowing me this time.  As soon as the wedding is over, I am moving the little boys and me to Colorado.  Hopefully someone will fall in love with this place and raise some kids here.  That is my prayer.

Speaking of prayer,  I have been getting back to my faith.  I have missed it, and it has been good to heal my memories.  Over the years as things have happened, I have simply survived and not taken the time to heal.  It is a bit late for better than never.  Today's word:

For thou, Lord, [art] good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. (Psalm 86:5)
The Lord is full of mercy and willing to forgive us! He never rejects us when we ask for His forgiveness. This outpouring of mercy and love should make us desire to follow Him more faithfully.

My Prayer: Jesus, I do not deserve Your love or mercy, but I praise and thank You for them both! Thank You for hearing us when we call to You.

This is my hope and prayer that this time I spend here undoing memories and getting rest, will help me to get the most out of what God has for me here and in Colorado.

The trees in Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. You are a blessing to me, a gift from God. Thanks for keeping me!
