Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Monday, August 25, 2014

Inspections, a Necessary Evil

Well, maybe evil is a bit strong, just feels like an intrusion.  But the guy doing this one seems very nice.  He is not stuffy but very normal.  The misconceived notion that these guys are mean comes from where?  Anyway, we will see what needs to happen next to insure my going to Colorado soon.  The wedding is one month away, and I am ready for the move.  Not trying to rush the wedding, it will be lovely, just excited to finish this move.

On to the wedding preparations...  My job is to prepare the food for the rehearsal dinner and the reception.  I have spent quite a bit of time thinking of interesting and yummy things to have for the reception.  I want to enjoy the wedding and not be saddled with the food and the prep for it last minute.  So, my idea was to somehow make everything individually wrapped.  I found several hand-held pie recipes and tried my take on them.  They are YUMMY, but as we discovered, they really are better warm or hot, not cold.  I need the things I serve to be yummy cold.  So, this is basically a glorified picnic.  I am trying calzones next.  The problem with pies was that not only are they best warm or hot, but the crust tends to become more soggy and not at all crispy or flaky as crust should be.  Calzones are pizza dough, so they are not pie crust flaky.  They just need to be yummy.

This was the beef pie with mashed potatoes.  I do not eat beef but heard they were yummy.  I also made some with BBQ chicken, caramelized onions and provolone cheese.  I did eat one of them and I have to say it was yummy.  If I could serve them hot, WOW, that would be great, but no way.

I will try the calzone recipe when the husband comes home this weekend.  I can hardly wait!!!!!
It will be a crazy week.  We have much to do.  We need to get the barn and well house ready to move and this is big trash weekend, so we will have a lot to throw away. (I hope)  Then, we get to go to the chiropractor.  We love ours.  It will be a short roadtrip to Tulsa, but always fun.  Then, the husband needs to get that bad tooth pulled.  I will be here to take good care of him.  Then, we must say good-bye for a week.  If nothing gets in the way , I get to go see him the next week.  After that we will have 2 weeks apart, then the wedding prep.  Sept will go by fast.

All this means I have about 5 weeks to finish my love seat and make some pillows.  I can do that.  I probably could redo another chair, but I have no plans to do that.    I have class tonight so pics to follow here in a few hours.

Class proved to be too much for me tonight.  I was very distracted and made a couple of mistakes and was made to feel bad about them by the instructor.  I felt it was unsafe to be in class and left very early.  I will overcome and be back in class on Wednesday.  I must finish my love seat for the new living room.  

Good night for now.

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