Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Time Flies, or Crawls

Most often you hear how time flies, unless you are waiting for something, and I am so, time crawls.  I always feel guilty if I feel like I am trying to rush time on.  Back in the day, I remember wanting to rush time so I could quit changing diapers.  But something precious is lost when time gets rushed.  There are moments that pass and if you are so busy rushing on to the next thing, you completely miss those moments.  Mostly during this time I am alone and I guess there might be moments to miss, but not as much as other times when you are around loved ones.  I feel like I rush the day by so I can sleep and hurry the next day just the same.  That is not a good thing to admit, but I am very anxious to get out to Colorado with the husband.  Hopefully this next month will go by faster.  It will be full of things to do.  Lack of projects and jobs makes time crawl.

The beginning of new life for this love seat/settee.  It is actually labeled a settee.  So from now on I will refer to it as the settee.  

The front section before pulling it over.

As you can the the front is secure and the first arm is done.

The second arm.

The front of the arm.  Since I am finishing it differently than it's original covering, it is taking a bit longer.

The other arm front.  After this I cut and made all the cording for this project and a couple of pillows.  That is about 20 yards of cording.  Whew, glad that's done.  Now on to putting the wings on.

Projects like this help fill my time here.  But nothing can keep my subconscious from dreaming about being displaced.  I dreamed that I was in college living in a dorm and it was summer and I had to decide where to spend the summer and did not feel at home anywhere.  So unsettling.  But interestingly even though I am dreaming things like this which reflects my current unsettled existence,  I am still sleeping pretty well.  I love my sleeping time.  It is so comforting having my little boys near me.  But I often look over and remember that I am alone in that bed and it makes me sad.  Very soon, but not soon enough we will share a bed and home again.  Not looking forward to being apart from the husband for some time.  I feel like I could live the rest of my life never being apart from him like this again!  I guess the occasional trip back to see my mother and trips to see his mother might be OK, but even those times, I don't look forward to.  2 days now!

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